I've just compiled Apache 2.0.50 and mod_jk2 2.0.4.  (We've been using
mod_jk 1.2.4 for a while, and it seems to work -- but we have observed
occasional problems with response bodies being truncated.  So I figured
as long as I'm building a new Apache, might as well throw in mod_jk2 and
see if it helps with that problem.)

Anyways, I got the basic configuration working, can access our web apps,
and so forth.  But I notice these three lines in Apache's error_log
rather frequently:

[Wed Jul 21 16:57:37 2004] [error] channelApr.receive(): Error receiving message body 
-1 11
[Wed Jul 21 16:57:37 2004] [error] workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error reading reply
[Wed Jul 21 16:57:37 2004] [error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 120000

I can't figure out a pattern here -- it happens with a browser and with
command-line clients, on the server itself or from a different host.

The requests where mod_jk2 logs these errors do not seem to be affected
-- I haven't seen any garbled/truncated response bodies.

The numbers (-1, 11, 120000) are always the same.  I took a brief look
in the mod_jk2 source to see where the first error is coming from; I was
not enlightened.  Haven't done any digging for the other two.

Does anyone have a clue what these errors mean?  Should I forget about
upgrading to mod_jk2, ie. is it flakier than the original mod_jk or not?

Thanks --


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