Julien Oix wrote:

Hi everyone,

I find 2 problems on my Linux/Apache/Tomcat platform :

*** First, I can't manage to redirect a 500 error code page to a customized
error page, even I can't see any trouble in my conf's files.

# config
Linux RedHat 7.1
Apache 1.3.27 (rpm)
Tomcat 4.1.18 (rpm)
mod_jk 1.2.2 (rpm)

#apache myVH.conf
ErrorDocument 500 /jsp/500.jsp

#tomcat myapps/WEB-INF/web.xml

apache gets a 500 error code
# myapps_access_log - - [05/Jul/2004:15:52:49 +0200] "GET /Login.do HTTP/1.1" 500

but the browser prints the default tomcat error page and not my customized
500.jsp ...


Are you using mod_jk auto-configuration generation to integrate your Tomcat & Apache environments? If so, you need to ensure that your ErrorDocument directive appears in the VirtualHost that mod_jk generates. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, there is no automatic way of doing this ... you need to add that ErrorDocument directive every time mod_jk updates the .conf file.

Otherwise, if you're getting a Tomcat error 500, I'm guessing that the error-page directive in your web.xml is not being properly picked up (Apache will handle 500 errors generated by Apache, Tomcat will handle 500 errors generated by Tomcat).

Brice Ruth

Brice Ruth, Sr. IT Analyst
Fiskars Brands Inc

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