Hi, I'm a developer for a small hosting company.
We currently host Java-enabled sites on a windows server.
We use IIS, jk2, and Tomcat to serve Java.
The problem we have is that every time the Tomcat server.xml is touched (new site, new 
context, etc), we have to restart Tomcat, and that affects every site we host. 
We are now trying to replace IIS with Apache (mod_jk2), in the hopes that there might 
be a way to point Apache Virtual Hosts at Tomcat Contexts, instead of Tomcat Virtual 
Hosts - although I'm not sure how this could even be done.
The Tomcat Admin tool is hardly production-grade, I think we can all agree, but the 
Tomcat Manager Tool allows addition and removal of contexts without restarting Tomcat. 
We'd like to hang our hopes on that :-)
Any help in this regard, (or suggestions for a different servlet container . . .) 
would be greatly appreciated.

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