JZOS - "Java™ for z/OS®" is a set of free tools designed to make Java easier to use on the mainframe.
*** JZOS Java Batch Launcher and Toolkit *** Run Java applications on z/OS or OS/390 as normal MVS batch jobs (without BPXBATCH) - * Simple yet flexible way to configure and invoke Java from a batch job step. * Access to datasets via JCL DD statements. * Output can be sent directly to JES SYSOUT datasets. * Condition code passing between Java and non-Java job steps. * Powerful new interface to traditional MVS datasets and system console. *** Tomcat on the Mainframe in an hour or less! *** Using the JZOS Batch Launcher, running the Apache Tomcat servlet / JSP container is a snap. You can install and configure Tomcat on your mainframe in under an hour. The JZOS toolkit is available free of charge and licensed under the Apache license. For more information, see http://jzos.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]