
I am using JDK 1.4.2_05, Tomcat 5.0.25, Eclipse 2.1.3, Lomboz 2.1.3. My task
is to develop a webapplication. Therefore I need JSP-debugging, I mean it
would be nice.

What I made to make JSP-Debugging possible (according to

1. Put a file named context.xml under

2. The code in context.xml:
        <Context path="/fase_dev" override="true"
        workDir="C:/Programme/eclipse/workspace/fase_dev/j2src" />

3. Use Deploy-Command from Lomboz, which generates a war-file (with the
context.xml inside)

4. Start Tomcat

Tomcat seems to accept the context.xml. After starting, the context.xml can
also be found at [tomcathome]/conf/Catalina/localhost with name
mywebapp.xml. But in the tomcat console an error occurs:
29.07.2004 11:53:33 org.apache.jasper.EmbeddedServletOptions <init>
SCHWERWIEGEND: The scratchDir you specified: C:\TOMCAT50\
C:\Programme\eclipse\workspace\fase_dev\j2src is unusable.
29.07.2004 11:53:33 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer install
INFO: Processing Context configuration file URL

Somehow the workDir got the prefix [tomcathome]. Does anyone know, where I
can disable this functionality?

Thanks in Advance!


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