I'm no expert at the matter, but if tomcat works fine, it seems the problem
has to do more with the mod_jk settings.

Have you tried http://localhost/jkstatus (or equivalent) to see how the
connector is doing?

Have you mapped your applications in the workers.properties file, such as:



José Ernesto Echeverría
Tel. (503)8859011

-----Original Message-----
From: Harold Pritchett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Jueves, 29 de Julio de 2004 06:56 p.m.
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [tomcat] Strange problem with Apache2/Tomcat4

Ernesto Echeverría wrote:

> I'm having problems with mod_jk myself.
> Haven't gone thru all your steps, however I'd try to establish whether 
> the problem is related to mod_jk or incorrect settings of tomcat.
> Have you tried accessing the same pages with the tomcat default port 
> 8080 instead of going thru Apache?

If I immediately connect to http://localhost:8080 (without doing anything to
the servers,) all of the applications work just fine.

Harold Pritchett
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                +1.706.546.0692
pgp public key: http://www.arches.uga.edu/~harold/pgpkey.html

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