Ryan wrote:

>I have made an update page where you place your news update in a textarea and then 
>SUBMIT the textarea text to a jsp page via POST method.
>However, I want HTML to be supported.

It is not very clear what you mean here, Ryan

>I was wondering what would be the best way to do this. 
>I could escape the text on submission through javascript 
>but what about people using lynx?

what is the trouble?

as far as i understand, IE and NS when it is needed
escape chars by themselves.. i don't remember
if the posted input fields are %-ed, but anyway IE/NS work
in sync with Tomcat request.getParameter(), either both
%-it, or both don't. Donno what lynx does.

>I also don't want to have to write my own escape function in java.

Well, there's already
static java.net.URLEncoder.encode(String s);

                     - o -
Maybe this question is about NLS and in particular about
non-latin1 encodings support? Then this is a wired question.
                     - o -
Does anybody know, has there been any progress with this in Servlet 2.3 spec?

Best regards, Tagunov Anthony

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