I'd like two contexts mapped to a single docbase.  The first context would
use default servlets (and mappings) to serve the site for "regular" http
requests.  I'd like the second context to be served by the webdav servlet,
so that it could be updatable by authorized users.  Both contexts need to
rely on the same docbase so that changes made by the webDAV users would be
immediately readable by regular web http clients.

The problem I'm having is that, to my knowledge, there can be only one
WEB-INF/web.xml per <Context docBase="abc"/> definition, but it's the
web.xml file that maps servlets (either the default or webdav servlets) and
defines security constraints (or lack thereof).

Some other points:
-- Tomcat 5.0.25 running on WinXP (NTFS volumes)
-- the entire web-app is covered by <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>, be it
servlet mappings or security constraints.

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