----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ruth, Brice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: mod_jk and cache

> master wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>If you're using the mod_jk.conf auto-generation (I assume you are from
> >>the context of your message), then its simply because the mod_jk module
> >>only generates that file when Tomcat is started, once started, that file
> >>is not modified again. Even so, as far as I know, Apache doesn't pick up
> >>modifications to its .conf files - so Apache would need to get restarted
> >>for the updated configuration to take effect.
> >>
> >>The same would be the case if you weren't running the auto-generation,
> >>you would need to add the JKMount directives to your apache
> >>configuration manually, and restart Apache for the changes to take
> >>
> >>Or maybe I've misunderstood your problem?
> >>
> >>Respectfully,
> >>Brice Ruth
> >>
> >>-- 
> >>Brice Ruth, Sr. IT Analyst
> >>Fiskars Brands Inc
> >>http://www.fiskarsbrands.com/
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >hi, no i don t use the autoconf but that s not really the problem my
> >is not about the  change in the config file i speak in the change of
> >file for example  in a website, a simple reload of the context (with the
> >manager) work fine for java but not for apache it doesn t take the
> >
> >
> Hrmpf, that is strange ... JK (to my knowledge) does no caching, so
> every request that matches its JKMount map parameters is handed off to
> Tomcat. When you change a .class file, reload the application, and
> access it via Tomcat directly (port 8080?) - your changes appear? But
> not through Apache?
> -- 
> Brice Ruth, Sr. IT Analyst
> Fiskars Brands Inc
> http://www.fiskarsbrands.com/
yup exactly the changes appear on tomcat but not apache if i want them to
appear to apache i must restart tomcat (which is annoying)

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