I am writing a class to be deployed with the Tomcat SOAP web app (I'll
call this class A).  It uses a URLClassloader to load classes from a
directory (i call them modules).  I initialize my class loader with

URLClassLoader initialLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls,

           This worked fine for a while.  However, when I decided that
           my class A needed to have a package statement (I wanted to
           put it in a jar file along with some libraries for easy
           distribution), I was very much dismayed when the class
           loading did not work.  Yet the strange part is that it is not
           the usual NoClassDefFound exception, instead the entire
           program just seems to hang upon trying to load one of the
           modules.  I am very dismayed as what was once working code is
           now almost useless.  Chances are, I'm just making a stupid
           mistake, however if anyone could please help me I would be


           P.S. This works fine when I don't run it under Tomcat, that
           was my reason for posting it here.

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