I don't understand if all the developers is not having TC installed,
how they will check the code is logically working before integrating
with main code.

In my 6 years experience I haven't thought of the situation that more
then one developer is depending on only one server.


On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 04:30, Allistair Crossley wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am currently trying to streamline our team's build process here using Tomcat as 
> our servlet container. 
> For a while the way I had it setup was that we had 1 instance of TC running on a dev 
> server and 1 instance on production. Each developer would checkout only the code 
> they will work on from VSS. They would not have read-only latest version copies of 
> the other source on their disks. They would then use an Ant build script to compile 
> their checked out classes directly to TC's classes, and a separate Ant target for 
> copying JSPs and so on to the webapp folder.
> This method as far as I was concerned got around the code overwrite problem - where 
> if both developers had a version of all source using a Get Latest Version, each time 
> they compile they would overwrite the same instance compiled classes.
> Recently, I have installed a TC per developer on the server. My idea is that we will 
> use the Eclipse VSS plugin and WILL all perform Get Latest Version. However, because 
> each dev has their own dev instance, they will not overwrite any changes by other 
> developers on source they have not got checked out.
> Then, I am thinking, each developer must only ever checkin stable compilable source, 
> so that when other devs Get Latest Version from the root of the source tree, it will 
> still compile.
> When I do a build, I am thinking that all source must be checked in, then a Get 
> Latest Version, then run an Ant script to compile and generate a WAR for staging and 
> production deployment.
> Finally, I have just this second had a call from IT saying the 3 instances on our 
> dev  server are brining virtual memory to its knees - which begs another question - 
> should each developer have a locally installed TC rather than server based? 
> I would be very interested in others' development/deploy processes with 
> mult-developer Tomcat environments to cross-check my ideas. 
> Kindest Regards, Allistair.
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