I'm guessing the snippet below is from your struts-config.xml file. I tried to make that work and couldn't even on a straight forward textbook example. It was much easier to define the datasource in the [context].xml file in conf/Catalina/localhost, use the DBCP db pool, and then write my own db access code. Besides, I think I saw something to the effect that the feature you're using below might be removed from future Struts releases. I'm sure there are people on the list who can confirm or deny that suspicion.


Rajesh wrote:

This is Rajesh. I am working on webApplication project.The project
Environment is in
Struts1.1 Framework with jdk1.4.2_01,WebServer as Tomcat5 on O.S Linux
connecting back-end Mysql.

I am trouble shooting a problem.
   I have properly closed each and every connection whenever I
open a connection.So the db connection is properly maintained.And
the Session too is properly maintained.In struts1.1 struts-config.xml
just for connection pooling I've coded <data-source> tag like


       <data-source type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">

           <set-property property="driverClassName"

           <set-property property="url"
                         value="jdbc:mysql://ip address/contextname"/>

           <set-property property="username"

           <set-property property="password"

           <set-property property="removeAbandoned"

           <set-property property="removeAbandonedTimeout"



So for every 60 seconds the connection pool is checked to freeze-out the
unwanted Connection.

Every thing works fine on first day but on the consecutive day it troubles.


        On the next day  when I try to login to my site it is not
letting me login.

I am sure there is no problem in my coding, because the whole day the site
is working perfectly well. Only for a period of time the db access is not

So I want to know where the problem is.Whether it's in Database Pooling or it is Tomcat related problems.

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