Hi to all! First of all - thank you for this list! It helps to
individuals like I am to keep their job:)
I am newbie, so maybe my questions too silly for you, but
anyway I must to ask.

I am running Apache 2.0.50+Tomcat 5.0.27-mod_jk 1.2 on Win 2003, JDK

1) I dont have a problems to deploy and run it with
mod_jk 1.2, but when I am trying to configure mod_jk 2 it fails.
It returns "java.io.FileNotFoundException" when I am trying to start app.
my app is in the WEB-INF/classes/MyApp.class (as always:))

BTW, Tomcat starts and runs perfectly - stderr is clear, I am trying to test it with
standard jsp-examples - all works, but when I am trying to open the same page
which works with mod_jk 1.2 with applet tag - it returns error with
mod_jk 2. The error log of Apache sais
the same thing - applet not found. What am I doing wrong??? Help me
please to figure it out. My apps directory located in the same folder
that jsp-examples folder, in web.xml servlet mapping looks has the
same locations like for example, plugin servlet from examples:

2) The second question is about security - I am running my server under
the second administrator account with reassigned rights (so its not
administrator anymore but it has more power then advanced user which is not
enough for me). So the question is - does anybody can give
tips/instructions/links to documentaton HowTo exactly I must configure
my Windows to run with Apache and Tomcat without give to user so much
power like I have now??? I have experienced attacks on my server so I
dont have so much money to repair it again. Please help me with this
if you know how - ASAP.

These are my conofiguration key moments:)
I am mounting my app directory in httpd.conf (in Virtual Host section) like
<Location "/*.jsp">
  JkUriSet group ajp13:site.com:8009
<Location "/*.jspx">
    JkUriSet group ajp13:site.com:8009
<Location "/*.do">
    JkUriSet group ajp13:site.com:8009

My <Host /> in server.xml mounts apps base like this:

my wokers2.properties contains this:

Thank you very much in advance!!!

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