Hello. I searched the archives at http://mikal.org/interests/java/tomcat/archive/search?search=JMX+Timer but found no results.

I am porting a small Servlet application from WebLogic 8.x to Tomcat 5.x. The application has a Servlet context listener that instantiates and starts a JMX Timer instance during initialization. This Timer runs for the lifetime of the app, occasionally causing an object to invoke a web service and updatw a database with data collected from the web service response.

I don't have much experience with Tomcat running stand alone, and could use some help with the JMX aspect.

In WebLogic, you instantiate a weblogic.management.timer.Timer directly. This class is very similar to javax.management.timer.Timer (I think it's an extension). Then you add a NotificationListener and a Notification to the Timer, and then you start it. That's all there is to it.

So to deploy this application in Tomcat, I assume I will somehow instantiate a javax.management.timer.Timer in place of the WebLogic-specific Timer, or else I will find an instance using some factory or lookup service. How is this done? Do I instantiate one directly, just like the WebLogic class, or do I have to obtain the instance from some factory or some other service? Do I have to configure the Tomcat server in any particular ways to use the Timer?

I would appreciate your advice on this. I can paste some pseudocode of the unported app if I need to.


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