You can always write your own Realm which creates your own custom Principal which can store the password in it. This does require some casting but not uncommon.


Thanks Tim Funk for the quick answer,

In  FormAuthenticator there is a line:
                principal =
                    context.getRealm().authenticate(username, password);
It returns an
The Principal stores the username (uid), not the password (Credential).
I only can call getName().
Furthermore any Realm has no access to the users session.
So I can't get the password from the realm.

I could of course write the password as cleartext or obscured code in my
own Realm to an external
data store. But I don't want that. It's dirty and unsafe and against the
security requirements of
this web-app.

I've searched the Java Servlet Specification v.2.4
but haven't found a place where applying ServletFilters to
/j_security_check is forbidden.

Could you please provide me with an pointer to the spec you have forbidding
this kind
of filtering?

One of many same questions I have found on[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg117539.html
(Message 1117539 on this list)
was answered by yourself with the suggestion of using a valve.
Could you please me more detail on that solution?

On the same answer there was mentioned that BEA WebLogic provides a hook
which would solve my problem too (in a proprietary way). With Websphere
this is the second App-Server which could solve my problem.
I have a Sun ONE Web App Server 7 at hands, so will try eventually
the ServletFilter-method too.

Another thread on this list with the same requirement is number 111855:
"servlet sendRedirect() to j_security_check problem (remember me)"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg111855.html
It announces Matt Raibles solution, programmed into his example application
It works y submitting a subrequest vie HttpClient lib which seems rather
strange to me.

It cites an earlier posting number 111700

One more question:
In the Tomcat 5.0.27 source in it says
        // Save the authenticated Principal in our session
        session.setNote(Constants.FORM_PRINCIPAL_NOTE, principal);

        // If we are not caching, save the username and password as well
        if (!cache) {
            session.setNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE, username);
            session.setNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE, password);
Am I able to session.getNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE, password) in my
It seems to be stored in the session, or am I wrong?

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