OK, I've done some more searching, and one suggested
strategy for trying to have several SSL certificates is
to configure each as a service, and have them all listen
on different ports.

But if you do that, don't they each have to be listening
on different ports?

What I'm looking for is a way to have several hosts within
a single service, each with their own SSL certificate (and
different IP address), and have them all listen on 443 for
the https connections.

They're glad to coexist when listening on 80, so it would
seem like the same could work for 443.

I apologize if this is a dumb question, but if anyone
can shed some light (or links) I'd very much appreciate


At 06:29 PM 8/18/2004, RJ wrote:
I've tried searching the archives, but haven't found a good
answer to this.

I've got standalone tomcat (5.0.27) with connectors for 80 and 443,
and several virtual hosts (each with their own IP).  I got my first
SSL certificate installed fine.  However, I can't figure out how
to put additional ones in.

I read one post in the archives that said to create a new connector
for each IP, but that doesn't work (at least using the Administration
tool -- it only allows one connector on 443).

Thanks in advance!


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