Hi all,

Continuing to try to implement AJP13 for Apache2.0.50 and tomact5.0.27, I
just found that the documentation for the AJP connector remain incomplete for
me. The link:
states that:
"The standard implementation of AJP Connector is
org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteConnector, but you must specify the protocol
attribute (see below)."
But the options of the implementation are only described in the HTTP
connector documentation at:

So, you have to be curious enough to go there and carefully read it. On the
other hand, AJP and HTTP versions doesn't seem to use the options the same
way (and this remains obscure for me).

I use the options address="IP" port="PORT" for my HTTP connectors frequently,
trying to do the same with AJP gives an error:
SEVERE: Error registering
        at mx4j.server.MBeanServerImpl.register(MBeanServerImpl.java:1123)
as if the AJP connector tries to make two connection pools, strange. Removing
the address option removes the exception.

Thank you for your help,


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