On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 02:16:49PM -0500, Brad Taylor wrote:
: I am running tomcat 5.0.9.  I currently enter a url like
: http://localhost:8080/myapp.  This causes a "redirect" page to be
: briefly displayed followed by my servlet getting invoked and serving the
: "real" page.  I would like to bypass this redirect, but can not seem to
: get it to work.  I have tried changing my welcome-file-list to mypage.do
: and I have tried creating a servlet-mapping specifying index.html.

Change your web.xml to specify the new 2.4 schema , aka:


Then add your servlet's mapping to <welcome-file-list>.

[for the archives: using servlets as welcome files is supported as of
servlet spec 2.4, which Tomcat 5.x implements]



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