Greetings all,
I had posted earlier about an issue with Tomcat hanging, and also holding Apache processes hostage. I have narrowed the problem down to some kind of conflict with Tomcat/JVM and IPTables on RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 ES.

When Tomcat hangs, what happens is, half the page is returned to the browser and the status bar sits at "waiting for". As Soon as I issue "service iptables stop" the page finishes loading, and I cannot make any other pages "half-load". Any apache process that were tied up "waiting" on tomcat stay hung though, and I have to either manually kill those PIDS or issue a SIGHUP to Apache. When only a few are hung, I kill them, as to not interrupt downloads for other users. However, when 92 are hung, I just SIGHUP apache.

Obviously, this is an issue with not being able to run a firewall, as we don't have a hardware firewall in place.

Does anyone know what kind of interference/issue IPTables would be causing Tomcat? I will note, this one website is the only <Host> on this instance. We do also have another tomcat instance which hosts 3 other domains, and those never hang. I am starting to think it might be some of the customers code, though I am not sure what it would be as I am certainly not a Java guru. I have asked him if he contacts outside services in his code, but he has not replied yet. I doubt it is this as I have started the firewall with ports 0-32767 open and it still hangs. Could this be some kind of memory collision between IPTables and Tomcat?

As well, this setup worked flawlessly under RH 9.0 and RH 7.3.

Just looking for ideas here, as this honestly makes no sense to me.

-Sean Finkel

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