Having a central repository of logins/passwords would work from one end =
e.g. when connecting to one of your servers, that server communicates with
the central repository to veriy the login/password. However, when going to
another webapp that webapp needs to know you've been authorised. perhaps
once authorised, you could store information about the client at the central
respository. When a webapp gets a connection from that client, it looks ion
the central repository to see if that client has been authorised. Not sure
on what info would work though....

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:38 PM
Subject: Off topic: Single login for separate web applications?

> Hi,
> Sorry for posting this off topic question. I would really appreciate any
> pointers into the right direction.
> What I would like to know is what you would need in general to create a
> login to different web applications on different web servers (and possibly
> platforms)? I gues the servers would need some shared repository for
> login/passwords, but how would it be possible after logging in to one
server to
> pass on this fact to the other servers?
> I hope the answer is as simple as the question,
> Wilko Hische

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