I've been trying for the past couple days to embed Tomcat 5.5.1 into a java application and unfortunately I have been unable to successfully do so. I have read many emails and replies to this list and also read the few tutorials online that exist. It seems as though all of these resourses apply to the Embedded API and none have been successful with this version of Tomcat.

In short the problem is caused by calling Embedded:createConnector which returns a null value. I believe within createConnection the class "org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteConnector" fails to load using Class.forName which makes the method return null. I have verified that the jar file tomcat-coyote.jar is in my classpath but I cannot find any CoyoteConnector.class within this jar file, or any other jar file for that manner.

Has the process for setting up an embedded server been altered or is it broken in this version of Tomcat?

Thank you,
Ben Dischinger

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