On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 02:38:02PM -0300, Justin Kennedy wrote:
: I'm new to this mailing list, so I'm thinking I didn't ask this question
: properly or did something wrong because I never had a response. Maybe I
: posted too much code?

Perhaps you left out some necessary information, such as what version of
Tomcat 5 you're running.

You say you're porting to Tomcat 5: did you rebuild the app against the
newer Tomcat 5 JARs?

Finally, while I understand your original tags were written before
servlet spec 2.4/JSP spec 2.0, have you at least tried using JSTL?  You
could setup a stripped-down JSP that contains just the section in
question, then try that with both your tags and JSTL.



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