Thanks for replying Antony.

I am using (both locally and remote):
Tomcat - 5.0.28
JDK - 1.4.2_05
Ant - 1.6.2


-----Original Message-----
From: Antony Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:26 AM
To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ant build remote (newbie Q)

Which version of Tomcat you are using ?

Antony Paul

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Hartley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject: ant build remote (newbie Q)

> I am trying to use the sample to deploy the test application from my local
> machine to my remote server.
> I have done all builds and deployments successfully, and everything works
> fine (yippy!).
> I have modified the build.xml to use the url and password for the manager
> app on my remote server. This works partially. I am able to do lists, but
> when I try to install, I get a error.
> Looking at the build.xml, this makes sense. My assumption is that the
> manager application looks at the
>  <deploy url="${manager.url}"
>             uername="${manager.username}"
>             password="${manager.password}"
>                         path="${app.path}"
>             localWar="file://${build.home}"/>
> and tells me hey dude, aint no such directory on my server.
> So the question is, how to do an install from a local machine, running
> on a local machine (with tomcat installed), and install my war on a remote
> machine. A couple of thoughts come to mind:
> 1)       FTP files to remote system using ant tasks.
> 2)       Use something other than 'file://' as designator of location.
> 3)       There is some other task or property for ant that handles this.
> I should mention that locally I am behind a nat and using a typical cable
> HSD account with dynamic ip assignment, so using my own IP is probably not
> feasible.
> Any Help? Thanks,
> Harry

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