Sorry Suresh, I forgot to put this in the last reply.

   Does the user you are trying to start Tomcat have admin privs?  You might
be trying to access something the account isn't permissioned for.  Real
basic, no wonder I didn't think of it before.  Try doing this as the

   If this doesn't resolve your problem, as administrator I suggest the
following if after you change your environment variables and it still
doesn't work.  This may seem redundant but I've gotten downloads messed up

1) Remove the current C:\Tomcat directory.
2) Download a Tomcat binary.
3) Reinstall Tomcat.
4) From the add/remove programs remove the j2sdk.
5) Download another j2sdk and install it.
6) Try starting Tomcat.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 3:16 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Unable to start tomcat server

Suresh Akula wrote:

> I am trying to run my tomcat server but am not able to do. I am 
> struggling on this for past 2 days.

Earlier you said:

> I actually installed tomcat onto folder named
> C:\softwares\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27 In this folder i have 
 > all bin, common and other folders.
> But while i am setting class path it is taking lot of place so i 
 > moved all the folders from above folder structure and into
 > C:\Tomcat and i think that should be OK.

.."think that should be OK"? I think that's probably the root of
your problem. Suggestion: delete all the Tomcat stuff you can find
and reinstall from scratch, preferably from a tar file, but at the
least install directly into C:\tomcat. Don't move *anything*. *Do*
remove all the classpath settings you made. You don't need them if
CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set correctly.

Then try -- again -- running *catalina.bat run* from a cmd window
and see what happens.

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

                           dream.  code.

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