On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 02:32:57AM -0400, Anthony E. Carlos wrote:
: already found that some of the code I wrote was definitely using static 
: variables that could never go out of scope. I've removed those, but the 
: problem persists.

A profiler would tell you what objects remain.

: I'm using log4j and Struts and your comment about LogManager#shutdown 
: begs a question: Where in my code should I be calling the shutdown 
: method? Is there some method in Tomcat that I need to override to call 
: the shutdown method of each library I'm using? Or, should I be calling 
: those methods by the end of each Struts Action#execute method?

Remove/cleanup objects when they are no longer needed.  Make sure your
data layer closes any DB connections/statements/result sets/etc before
returning data to the client.  (Pooled connections aren't really
"closed" in this case; they are returned to the pool.)

For appwide objects, look into ContextListeners.  These fire a method
when a context (webapp) is loaded and when it is shutdown by the



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