I recently updated our Apache 2.x server to load the SSL module.

As you may have seen in a recent post, I was not able to get any of my Tomcat apps to 
use the SSL connection yet... which may be related to my question.

Anyway, I've noticed that the server has been extremely slow... like 5 secs for a page 
to come up vs. .5 second and thats just guessing, it's probably worse than that. I 
went to the server to see if there was something wrong with it... it looked fine... so 
I brought up the browser there on the server and brought up one of the apps and it 
runs extremely fast... so I went back to another workstation... it again was extremely 

This leads me to believe that any IP address outside of the server itself is doing 
some kind of authentication or something?  (not my realm :)

I went ahead and removed the SSL module from Apache when loading and everything is 
back to its speedy self again.

Anyone have any ideas as to why Tomcat would slow down like this?

As I mentioned above... I'm thinking that it may have to do with the fact that I 
couldn't get SSL working between Apache and Tomcat and maybe something is getting 
translated which takes a long time?


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