[I've changed your subject line to start a new thread]

On Sun, Sep 26, 2004 at 02:47:19AM -0300, Eugene wrote:
: Hello,  also it would be great if they can give some information where
: and how to place jsp pages if somebody want to use Tomcat with Apache.

Anywhere you want.

: But  tell the truth I never seen clear instructions how exactly newbie
: can   deploy   the   page   or  application.  All  books  starts  from
: "HelloWorld.."  but  there  no  any  word about ROOT, about how to use
: custom directory under Apache or without it and things like this.

Likely, there's no one catch-all doc because

        Apache httpd != Tomcat != Java webapps

They're all separate topics with their own learning curves.  Trying to
run them all together at once, when you're just starting out, is asking
for a headache.

To start with Java webapps, read the servlet spec (search java.sun.com
for the doc).  That details what a container (such as Tomcat) must
provide to be spec-compliant, as well as the basics of assembling a
webapp.  Yes, it's dry in places, but it's not meant to be movie-script
material. ;)

Next, follow some tutorials on Java webapps.  Sun.com has some, there
are others all over the web.

Once you get that down pat, return to the Tomcat setup issues.

Finally, review the Tomcat "connector" documentation (mod_jk, jk2) to
connect Apache to Tomcat.



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