Just an FYI for anybody else that is trying to learn the "standard" way of doing things in Tomcat development. The following article is out of date with respect to the most recent version of Tomcat, but it does provide a framework for doing JSP development using Tomcat. It also provides code/scripts that create WAR's and deploys them for you.



QM wrote:

On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 05:27:05PM -0500, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
: New Question (While I've got ya :): Given that I can use a WAR file : to "deploy," would you advise using Tomcat 5.x as my test server, : creating a WAR and then deploying that to a production 3.3.1 server? : This would kinda let me test using 5.x and still support a 3.3.1 box.

Not really.  To run an app under Tomcat 5, you should build against the
Tomcat 5 JARs and such, which would limit the chances of that same WAR
file working transparently under Tomcat 3.

Not to mention, you really want your dev and production environments to
mirror one another.  Otherwise, how can you be certain the app will act
the same in the two environments?  To experiment with Tomcat 5, setup a
separate instance and rebuild your app there.  You can run both Tomcat
versions on the same machine, if you play your cards right.

For your other questions (e.g. how to create a WAR file, how to deploy),
you may want to review the servlet spec and the Tomcat docs.


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