Hi, Craigmcc, I received a message from you with this text

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 11:23:40 -0500, Craigmcc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dangerous Attachment has been Removed.  The file "price.cpl" has been removed 
> because of a virus.  It was infected with the "W32/Bagle.AZ-net" virus.  File 
> quarantined as: "". 
> http://www.fortinet.com/VirusEncyclopedia/search/encyclopediaSearch.do?method=quickSearchDirectly&virusName=W32%2FBagle.AZ-net
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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 Carlos J, Bracho M.                                  
 "The significant problems we face cannot    
  be solved at the same level of thinking      
  we were at when we created them."          
  Albert Einstein                           
 MSN:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      

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