On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 01:14:26PM -0400, Malia Noori wrote:
: I thought Tomcat instantiates only 1 instance of JSP servlet to handle all
: requests.  Isn't that the reason why it's not suggested to have instance
: variables?

Close, but not quite. ;)

The servlet spec permits a container to create as many instances of a
servlet class as it sees fit.  The same goes for creating and destroying
a servlet object several times over a context (webapp) lifetime.

That said, a servlet's main methods -- doGet(), doPost(), service() --
may be called concurrently for the same servlet object.  These methods
are thus meant to be thread-safe, and as such they shouldn't modify
object instance variables.  (It's fine to call such variables, as long
as they are read-only or at least treated as such.)

: If it is the case that 2 instance of JSP servlets gets created
: to handle each request, what's the best object to synchronize on?

I missed your original post, so I can say only this: when you find
yourself painted into a corner, it's time to revisit the design stage.



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