Robert Hunt wrote:

To clarify:

Watching the Tomcat access log and using permutations of CSS and the
FrankZ/jscript-caching-strategy to achieve the rollover effects, I've found
that the background image is requested:

               IExplore 6.0            Netscape 7.2
              -----------------      --------------
CSS        each mouseover       once per page(1)

JS           once per page(2)      once per page(2)
              each mouseover

(1) upon first hover/mouseover (2) when the jscript executes

I have been hoping someone would offer some innovative solution, but there really isn't one...

You have to perform some ugly hack. Check for some solutions.

For example, you could provide the image with both (3?) states and adjust the margin to show the correct state:

  class="hoverLink normal"
  onmouseover="this.className='hoverLink hover'"
  onmouseout="this.className='hoverLink normal'">boo</a>

With the image looking like:
|  normal state | 30px in ht
|  hover state  | 30px in ht

.hoverLink {
background: url(images/states.gif);

.normal {
margin-top: 0px;

.hover {
margin-top: -30px;

something like that... :(


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