Pawson, David wrote:

Try an entity instead of xinclude? Not many parsers are good
for xinclude as yet (a mainly uninformed statement). Entity
resolution is easier if the parser is setup correctly.

Oh, that's what we are doing now, but entity resolution doesn't have a concept of relative paths. I.e. if you have a file called "/path/to/foo.xml", which does an entity include of "file:../somewhere/params.dtd", then the path is not interpreted in relation to its including file (i.e. as "/path/to/../somewhere/params.dtd"), but instead in relation to "$cwd" (i.e. it's literally opened as "../somewhere/params.dtd").

This makes it nearly useless, as you are *forced* to "cd" to "/path/to" before you can process the "foo.xml" file. On the other hand, if you use absolute path names, that makes it difficult to move the files around.

All in all, entity includes are inflexible and a terrific pain to work with.

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