From: "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does your webapp have a web.xml? Where are HelloServlet and Biz located?

Sorry that I can't seem to reproduce this. Maybe it was indeed marked as reloadable in server.xml but later I deleted the context and created a new one in its own .xml file.

This is an aside, and irrelevant to this thread, but you shouldn't close the writer. Other things (response wrappers, filters) might
want to do stuff that depends on the writer. A good rule of thumb is
if you didn't create it, don't terminate it: you didn't create or
open the writer, so
> don't close it.

Thanks for the tip!

Kent Tong, Msc, MCSE, SCJP, CCSA, Delphi Certified
Manager of IT Dept, CPTTM
Authorized training for Borland, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, RedFlag & RedHat

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