Hi Prashant,
Just for a quick remind, which DBCP you are using for your application, what's the value of KeepAlive=?? which should be ideally 'true' and what value you have set for the maxThrottle..
What I can suggest you to use upgraded Tomcat version, like Tomcat 4.1 series if possible ...

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 prashant chavan wrote :

Dear All

I have hosted my live website on Linux which has Apache 2.0 wuth tomcat 3.2.3 and my database is on a sun server. I have multiple instances of tomcat running with single installation hosting three diffrent websites. My problem is last fer days i am facing a peculiar problem my java instances for one site reach to max threads (116 approx) and hangs. while this happens my apache instances also reach 150 max at same time. Due to which it affects my all three diff sites. I searched my jk.log file where i found the error "ajpv12_handle_response, error writing back to server" in it occuring continuously. Is it because of this error that my tomcat andapache hangs & whats the solution for it. I have searched all mailing lists for the same.



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