In my case it looks like I do have encode all URLs: firewall problem
with stripping out sessionId left me with no choice ;) Is it right
way of doing it?

Thanks a lot.
--- David Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > But that's details, the main point I made still holds, and that's
> that
> > the Servlet Spec mandates Tomcat's behavior in this area.
> Absolutely, Yoav!  I certainly didn't mean to imply anything
> negative about
> your response, only that the original inquiry could be
> handled/checked by
> his application fairly easily, even if the servlet spec doesn't
> allow it to
> be enforced through configuration.  Besides, when using servlets,
> it's
> really not much work to encode urls for those users who don't
> support
> cookies, and then you can handle a wider range of clients as you
> accurately
> pointed out.
> David
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