If you're convinced that the conditions such as your code, your
requirements, the status of the underlying system, and/or the security
of all the pieces involved (and there are no guarantees that someone
won't find a security hole in one of them this afternoon) are never
going to change then going with what you know is probably the path of
least resistance.  There are lots of mainframes out there with apps
written in the 70s and 80s that are chugging along just fine.

If not, it's easier to make incremental changes with each stable release
than to upgrade across several major releases. At a minimum, I would try
installing the latest stable releases and test your apps on them.  If
your apps are spec compliant, you will probably find that there is very
little to do, if anything, to get them running on the newer releases. 

Releases come fast in open source projects so you need to figure out
what kind of an upgrade schedule best suits your business model.  The
acquisition of a new server sounds like a great opportunity to consider
upgrading the whole stack, especially if it means having the opportunity
to run the two in parallel for a while before going live with it. 

On Fri, 2004-10-22 at 06:49, Andoni wrote:
> Hello,
> My questions here are fairly broad and open to opinion, I have not the
> experience to be dealing with these scenarios though so if you could help me
> it would be much appreciated. I do not mean to be inflammatory so if it is
> please ignore.
> Recently there was a post asking why people are still using Tomcat 4 instead
> of upgrading to version 5. I have been using Tomcat 4.0.4/Apache 1.3.26 for
> years and only recently upgraded Tomcat to 4.1.24. Now I am in a position I
> have never had before. I have been given a Windows server to manage and free
> reign over what to put onto it.
> So is the best advice to go with what I know best (and can be sure my
> websites run under) and install old versions. Or to go with the very latest
> of everything. If so then is it a good idea to keep updating Tomcat and
> Apache (httpd) or should I get one thing working and stick with what works?
> The answer to a previous post of mine about Tomcat 4.1.31 told me that is
> was a 'maintenance release', if this is the case then should all 4.1.x
> administrators have updated to it?
> Thanks,
> Andoni.
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