> Hi,
> One webapp can only run in one JVM.  But if you are splitting 
> your webapp, you can use the CATALINA_BASE/CATALINA_HOME 
> approach QM referred to, or have an entirely new Tomcat 
> instance.  It doesn't make that big a difference.

        That's is what I thought, but thanks for verifying it.

> Consider also making the rest of your webapp run in the new 
> JVM, so that you stay in harmony.

        Ah, now, there's the rub.  One of my webapps uses the
        COM/Java bridge to talk to a COM app (Bloomberg) on a
        REMOTE machine and requires the bridge to be run in
        "DCOM mode".

        Something in the *new* version of my other COM componenet
        (Monis) apparently dictates use of NATIVE mode for the
        bridge.  This COM app is on the same machine as Tomcat.
        Before the new version, it would happily run in non-native

        The folks who produce the bridge code confirm what I'd 
        found in extensive tests...

                "Unfortunately, J-Integra is not designed to run
                in both native mode and DCOM mode within the same
                JVM. My suggestion is to alter your architecture
                such that Bloomberg and Monis are accessed from
                separate JVM instances. "

        So the most painless thing would be to install Bloomberg
        on all the machines that will be running Tomcat.

        Just so you see why I asked the question.


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