On Monday 25 October 2004 21:59, Michael Schuerig wrote:

> Ah, good to know! I was unaware that Tomcat substitute properties in
> context.xml. I dumped the properties in my servlet (an axis-based web
> service, actually) and there doesn't seem to be a suitable property
> available. But as I'm using Spring and Log4j anyway, I noticed that
> org.springframework.web.util.Log4jWebConfigurer in conjunction with
> org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener
> sets an appropriate property.

> It's not pretty, rather fragile, really, as it depends on the right
> order of evaluation. The url attribute must be evaluated after
> mywebservice.root is already set.

Indeed, it's not pretty and it doesn't work :-(
Tomcat keeps its Properties global, not per application instance. Thus, 
when I tried this method yesterday it worked I had another instance of 
my webapp running in the same Tomcat process before. Therefore the 
mywebservice.root property was already set. Then, when I reloaded the 
webapp, the existing property is substituted for the variable in 
context.xml. Alas, when the web app is started for the first time, the 
property is not set.


Michael Schuerig                 Not only does lightning not strike
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       twice, it usually doesn't strike once.
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/  --Salman Rushdie, Fury

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