
to help cut through the apparent confusion, all you need to do is:

1) change ownership (recursively) of your tomcat install dir to ( if your user account that will run tomcat is called for example "tomrunner" ) tomrunner.tomrunner.

2) change to that user and decompress and build jsvc (in the ${tomcat.installdir}/bin dir) according to the straightforward instructions included.

3) change ownership of the resulting jsvc binary to root.root (root initially runs jsvc which then changes the user to your tomrunner)

4) build yourself a decent startup/shutdown script appropriate to your distro and your preferences.

Read The Fine Manual at http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.0-doc/setup.html

for all that you'll need to know. jsvc -help will also spit out it's allowed parameters that you can play with.

5) go have fun building web-apps. ;-)


Wolfgang Hackl wrote:

Hi Volkmar,

did you check the file system permissions of your $CATALINA_HOME directory? As I can see from my installations, server.xml has read and write permissions exclusively for its owner. My conclusion is that the directory must belong to the user, will run the service (wwwrun says your Tomcat5.sh).

Hi Wolfgang,
I got everything in /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 owned by root:root.
So you mean, I should change all files in the conf subdirectory to be owned by wwwrun? Or is it better/safer to just make those files world readable/writeable and leaving them owned by root:root?

When, during installation of Tomcat should I have changed the ownership or permissions of which files? I've installed Tomcat using
cd /opt
sudo tar xzf /tmp/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28.tar.gz
so that I got everything owned by root:root.

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