How do I get this value from within context in java program, thanks
<Environment name="david" value="10"
         type="java.lang.Integer" override="false"/>


From: Igor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 10/26/2004 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting discoveries about catalina GUI manager deploy (5.0.28 and 


>>Another question is: how do I get the JNDI enviroment variable value
>>from the java program? still using ctx.lookup or other way.

>All JNDI references should be lookup using the naming context.  If
>you're using simple Environment variables, you don't need to use JNDI,
>you retrieve them like normal environment entries in any Java program.

Could you please tell me how environment variables can be accessed without
Is there corresponding section in documentation?

Thank you,

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