Hi guys,

I spent a while looking for a generic solution to multiple concurrent
requests from a users, usually a slow running page and a muppet clicking
the submit button lots.

I've written a totally generic solution for this that requires no recoding
of the app.  It also provides feedback to the user while their original
request is running with a please wait page which is just a jsp so can be
app specific with feedback and refreshes.  If they try to submit another
request before a definable timeout that causes the please wait page to get
sent it can optionally ignore them and send the please wait page
immediately.  You can exclude pages by URL from this scheme completely and
define those pages that are allowed to run concurrently for a given
session or not.

There are 2 problems with it, multi-part requests cause problems so any
page expecting one must be excluded and the pleasewait page must be quite
large because of the tomcat response stream buffers.  I want to fix this,
but probably won't unless the dev guys allow this code or a derivative
they are happy with into the base product.

Also I am not really happy releasing it to individuals so the only way
people will get this is with tomcat support, I don't want to be supporting
it alone.

Is this functionality of interest to anyone on the users list?

If I've missed someone else implementing this then please let me know.


Peter Mengell

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