Those books are making reference to getting the client's IP/hostname.  And
that would be controlled through the connector attribute 'enableLookups'. 

This is about getting the Server's hostname.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:48 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List 
> Subject: Re: Virtual Hosts and useCanonical
> There is a setting somewhere in Tomcat (versions up to 4.1.X 
> at least) where you enable/disable reverse DNS. Most of the 
> time you want this off, but I think in your case you may need 
> it turned on. I think the swtich is in the Tomcat server.xml, 
> and it relates to the connector you are using. Its something 
> like 'enableLookups'. While this sounds odd, two books I have 
> state you need this to get names and not IP addresses. Also, 
> the books mention using request.getRemoteHost(), and that it 
> is effected by the settings in server.xml
> Hope it helps,
> Al G

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