I've been able to generate PDF in the response output stream in Tomcat 5.
I used the example from this O'Reilly OnJava article:


The code of interest is shown below:

resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=30");

StringBuffer sbContentDispValue = new StringBuffer();
sbContentDispValue.append("; filename=");


ServletOutputStream sos;
sos = resp.getOutputStream();


I'm using Tomcat 5.0.28 on Windows 2000 with JDK 1.4.1_02.

Give this example a try.


> From:       "Jeremy Nix" <Jeremy.Nix () sfsltd ! com>
> Date:       2004-10-01 16:50:30
> Message-ID: <7503E16AAE4DB3498884AB2DC4B779D501A51AE2 () fernhill ! sfsltd
! com>
> Has anyone else had trouble rendering PDF's (in Internet Explorer) when
> sending the pdf directly into the response outputstream and rendering in
> Internet Explorer?  I realize there are a lot of factors at work here,
> but I find that my configuration works fine when I switch to Tomcat
> 4.1.30.  I'm setting the content type and content length on the
> response.  The code I use is below:
>       pdf = generatePDF();
>       response.resetBuffer();
>       response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=30");
>       response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;
> filename=generated.pdf; size=" + pdf.getBytes().length);
>       response.setContentType("application/pdf");
>       response.setContentLength(pdf.getBytes().length);
>       response.getOutputStream().write(pdf.getBytes());
>       response.flushBuffer();
> If I access my url with Netscape, the pdf displays correctly.  If I save
> it out to the filesystem (on server side), pdf displays correctly. It's
> just something with the configuration of Tomcat 5 and Internet Explorer
> that is not working correctly.  The same code posted above works for
> both Netscape and IE when run under Tomcat 4.1.30.
> Has anyone had similar problems?
> _________________________________
> Jeremy Nix
> Senior Application Developer
> Southwest Financial Services, LTD.
> (513) 621-6699 x1158
> www.sfsltd.com

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