So did you try debugging the JNDIRealm????
That's what I wonna do with my umlaut problem...

Sandeep N wrote:

I did try out these things long back, but it did not yield any
success. Hence mailed the list.

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 14:14:57 +0200, Mark Doppelfeld


took this from the documentation

  For each of the standard |Realm| implementations, the user's
  password (by default) is stored in clear text. In many environments,
  this is undesireable because casual observers of the authentication
  data can collect enough information to log on successfully, and
  impersonate other users. To avoid this problem, the standard
  implementations support the concept of /digesting/ user passwords.
  This causes the stored version of the passwords to be encoded (in a
  form that is not easily reversible), but that the |Realm|
  implementation can still utilize for authentication.

  Digested passwords are selected by specifying the |digest| attribute
  on your |<Realm>| element. The value for this attribute must be one
  of the digest algorithms supported by the
  || class (SHA, MD2, or MD5). When you
  select this option, the contents of the password that is stored in
  the |Realm| must be the cleartext version of the password, as
  digested by the specified algorithm.

  When the |authenticate()| method of the Realm is called, the
  (cleartext) password specified by the user is itself digested by the
  same algorithm, and the result is compared with the value returned
  by the |Realm|. An equal match implies that the cleartext version of
  the original password is the same as the one presented by the user,
  so that this user should be authorized.

So give it a try and please feedback some information.

Sandeep N wrote:

I guess in the LDAP directory, the password is not stored as a clear
text but in an encrypted manner using SHA (Simple Hashing Algorithm).
Can that be the reason for not authenticating this user? And I don't
have any special characters embedded in my username/ password.

Also, I can trace my LDAP directory, without any problems, though.

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 13:50:35 +0200, Mark Doppelfeld

So your user hasn't been authenticated by the JNDIRealm. Is there any
security role specific stuff?? You have to distinguish between
authentication and authorization (roles etc.) Can you trace your ldap
engine??? We are facing problems with german umlauts in passwords
(JDBCRealm). Do you have any chars within user/password which need
special encoding???

Sandeep N wrote:

This is what the log file (catalina_log.2004-10-29.txt)  reads -

2004-10-29 15:53:14 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Connecting to URL
2004-10-29 15:53:38 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: lookupUser(sandeep)
2004-10-29 15:53:38 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:
2004-10-29 15:53:38 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   retrieving attribute userPassword
2004-10-29 15:53:38 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   validating credentials
2004-10-29 15:53:38 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Username sandeep NOT
successfully authenticated

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 15:29:00 +0200, Mark Doppelfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


have a look in your log files. It should tell you something about your
authentication process...

Sandeep N wrote:


I have a problem trying to authenticate users, whose details are
stored in the LDAP directory through Apache Tomcat. The details of the
software I am using are as follows :

LDAP: OpenLDAP V 2.2.17
Web-Server: Apache-Tomcat V 4.1.30
OS: Suse - Linux

The LDAP directory structure is somewhat like this -
cn= Manager
cn=person2 and so on

In the server.xml file (under APACHE-TOMCAT-DIR/conf/) I have included
he following piece of code  -

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
connectionPassword="secret" connectionURL="ldap://localhost:389";
roleName="cn" roleSearch="(uniqueMember={0})"
userPattern="cn={0},cn=Manager,dn=my-domain,dn=com" />

The folder I have to authenticate is "param_test" and this resides
under "APACHE-TOMCAT-DIR/webapps".

The web.xml file under the "param_test" folder contains the following
piece of code  -



I have even copied the jndi.jar, ldap.jar files to
APACHE-TOMCAT-DIR/server/lib directory

When I try to access the link, http://localhost:8089/param_test, it
prompts me for the username and password. When I type in these
parameters as per the entries in the LDAP directory, the pop-up
reappears and this goes on continously. If I cancel this pop-up, HTTP
error 401 is returned. Any guesses where I have gone wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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