On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 03:47:11PM -0700, Allen Holub wrote:
:    1) Stop Tomcat
:    2) delete the .../conf/Catalina/localhost/myAPp.xml file
:    3) copy the new version of the .war to /webapps
:    4) restart tomcat

That's what I do, at least.  

: Do I also need to delete the unpacked version of the .war file
: that Tomcat puts in .../webapps?

I couldn't tell you, as I don't bother having Tomcat unpack the WAR
file.  ("unpackWars=false")  Anything Tomcat needs out of the WAR, it
puts under the work/ dir.

So I guess that means you should add "step 2.5: clean out the work dir"
to your list. =)

: Can any of this be done with Tomcat running?

I can't answer this, as I stop Tomcat when I want to deploy a new
version of the app.



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