I already got my copy of the 2nd edition from Amazon.com, so I
expect that the book has gone pretty well :-)

Steve Prior

Milt Epstein wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Andrew Robson wrote:
> > Firstly I very strongly highly recommend you buy a decent book on
> > servlets with a section on JDBC
> >   The O'Reilly  book Java Servlet Programming - by Jason Hunter is a
> > good one.
> [ ... ]
> FWIW, there is a second edition of this book in the works, and I think
> it is close to completion (at least in terms of the author writing
> it).  It will cover (at least) the 2.2 spec -- most books out there
> don't, which is a big limitation, because there were some major
> changes in the 2.2 spec.  The author participates on Sun's
> servlet-interest list, and has posted some updates there on how the
> book is going.
> Milt Epstein
> Research Programmer
> Software/Systems Development Group
> Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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