I've just started using tomcat.  I'm playing with some simple jsp pages
and a single simple java class in order to work out how things go.
But, I can't seem to get over the following error that happens everytime
I try to compile.   It only happens when I have a java class to compile,
the jsp pages by themselves work fine.  Somehow, a few slashes seem to
be missing, but I've no clue why.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
5.5\webapps\tutprual\build.xml:285: C:\Program FilesApaches Software
FoundationTomcat5.5\common\endorsed not found.


The line it points to in the xml is: <javac srcdir="${src.home}"



Thanks in advance!


-Rachel Knickmeyer


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