having written an application that ran fine on Tomcat 5 I am having to regress it to run on Tomcat 4.1 running on Windows. part of the deployment involves setting up database pooling.

First of all I deployed my application war only and started Tomcat using catalina start this worked ok, but I then needed to configure database pooling to get it fully working.

In Tomcat 5.0 I had a config file /contextname.xml /under CATLINA_HOME/conf/catalina/localhost which worked fine, under Tomcat 4.0 I have added the contents to server.xml. I then ran catalina.bat start this starts another window but then disappears immediately before I am able to trap the problem, there is nothing in the log file to indicate the problem.

Could anybody please help with any of the following ?

1. How do I stop the window started my Catalina from disappearing so I can see what the problem is.
2. In Tomcat 4.0 can I have a config file for my application rather than adding it to server.xml
3. I am using the mysqllConnectector 3.15 driver does this work with Tomcat 4.0.
4. Are pooling connections configured the same in 4 as 5 or not below I have listed the contents of my xml file from Tomcat 5.

<Context path="/kijil" displayname="kijil" debug="0" privileged="true">

<Resource name="jdbc/kijil"

<ResourceParams name="jdbc/kijil">


<value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value> </parameter>


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