I had such a requirement at work one time, although fortunately I talked some sense into the higher-ups and they forgot about it, but not before I worked up an entire proof-of-concept document. IN THEORY, this could make it very difficult for would-be hackers, although I wouldn't say fullproof.

The idea was to set up a frameset with one invisible frame and one full-screen frame. Into the invisible frame would go an ActiveX control that was encrypted with a custom binary encrypter program (could be an applet too, but obfuscation isn't as good as encoding a binary). Basically, every form submission to the server would go through the control, and every response from the server would go through it, both encrypted. On the response from the server, HTML is generated out of the control and placed into the frame in an obfuscated form. Javascript it used to guard against right-clicks and keyboard shortcuts, and since the app starts up in it's own chromless window, it's relatively secure from most clientside exploits. There is a handshake between the control and the server at startup that basically sets up a temporary public/private key pair, the point being to make it impossible to just issue commands via Telnet. You'd have to fake considerably more than just some URLs or header variables.

So, the idea is that you could probably still get at the source, but it wouldn't be in cache so you'd probably have to use a memory scanner, but even if you did that it would be in an obfuscated form. Not impossible to decypher, but probably hard enough that most people wouldn't both. Getting at the server is going to be difficult. You could still decompile the control, but that's not going to be at all easy either considering the obfuscation and encryption (think a PE compactor approach).

I think making it tough is about as good as you can hope to do, but as Steven said, it's ALWAYS going to be defeatable one way or another.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Steven J. Owens wrote:
On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 09:37:09PM -0500, Dov Rosenberg wrote:

The only thing I can think of to hide the source of the page is to create
your own private label browser or perhaps load the source of the page in a
hidden frame and use some javascript to display the text you want. Not sure
why you would want to go thru the hassle - there are lots of ways to defeat
any measure.

You're right, this is futile, because it's trivial to get the
source of the page, no matter what you do at the browser level. The
browser has to see the source to render it, therefore the server is
providing the source, upon request, to anything that knocks at port 80
and asks for it. Getting the source is as simple as telnetting to the
webserver on port 80 and faking the commands. Or run a packet sniffer
in the network you're browsing from. Or run a logging http proxy on
your own machine and point your browser at it.

You can't show something to people and keep it secret at the same

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