On Thursday 11 November 2004 11:04, Robert Cole wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having some fun and games getting Tomcat 5.0.19 to use a non-self
> signed certificate. I've done the following:
> 1) Using Keytool, generated a new key pair using the genkey switch, into a
> new keystore 2) Generated a CSR using the new keystore created above
> 3) Using OpenSSL, where I've created a certificate authority to sign my
> CSRs, I've then generated a signed certificate valid for 365 days, signed
> by my root authority 4) I've then imported the Root CA into the keystore
> created in 1
> 5) Then I've imported the new, signed certificate into the keystore from 1
> 6) I've then enabled by HTTPS connector in server.xml, with the keystore
> entry pointing to the keystore from 1. I bounced Tomcat afterwards
> I can then connect to Tomcat on port 8443 but when I examine the
> certificate it is a self signed certificate that expired after 3 months.
> There is no evidence of the signed certificate.
> So far I have:
> 1) Removed the keystore file to check that Tomcat is picking up the correct
> file. It is as I get loads of errors in the std.out file 2) Listed the
> contents of the keystore. I can see in the following order, the root CA
> certificate, the generated keypair and then the signed certificate. 3) I
> made a copy of the keystore, changed the configuration to use the copy and
> then fired Tomcat up again. I finally managed to shut Tomcat down again
> after a large number of errors flooded the log file. 4) I've used the
> Keytool export and printcert switches to check that the signed certificate
> in the keystore is the right one, and it is.
> So, my question is, how is tomcat using a self signed SSL certificate, and
> where could it be getting it from? Is there a way to force Tomcat to use a
> certain certificate from a keystore?
> I'm now very, very stuck and would appreciate some help. Are there any
> switches I can use to get more information from Tomcat on what it is using,
> certificate wise?
> For reference, the connector config looks like this:
>     <Connector port="8443"
>                maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
>                enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
>                acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
>                clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
>                keystoreFile="D:\db\certificates\keystore"
>                keystorePass="" />
> My keystore:
> D:\db\certificates>keytool -keystore keystore -list
should that not be ".keystore", not "keystore"?

> Enter keystore password:
> Keystore type: jks
> Keystore provider: SUN
> Your keystore contains 3 entries
> rootca, Nov 9, 2004, trustedCertEntry,
> Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
> 7B:CD:2C:5D:AE:79:8A:86:D5:70:25:56:3D:0D:D1:AC mis1_key, Nov 9, 2004,
> keyEntry,
> Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
> BB:6A:10:C7:1C:DC:A2:AE:BD:77:C3:6F:50:B6:50:C1 mis1_cert, Nov 9, 2004,
> trustedCertEntry,
> Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
> 63:A4:57:A1:3E:B9:72:67:14:21:88:F3:3A:90:C5:5A
> The certificate that should be used is the mis1_cert certificate. From the
> printcert:
> D:\db\certificates>keytool -keystore keystore -printcert -file test.crt -v
> Owner: CN=mis1, OU=gmPrice, O=Deutsche Bank, L=London, ST=England, C=UK
> Issuer: [EMAIL PROTECTED], CN=gmPrice, OU=Shared Technology,
> O=Deutsche Bank, L=London, ST=England, C=UK Serial number: 8
> Valid from: Tue Nov 09 09:26:01 GMT 2004 until: Wed Nov 09 09:26:01 GMT
> 2005 Certificate fingerprints:
>          MD5:  63:A4:57:A1:3E:B9:72:67:14:21:88:F3:3A:90:C5:5A
>          SHA1: C7:AA:85:F7:7E:92:AC:E6:77:8B:44:F4:B2:7F:33:11:A7:DC:57:A3
> Rob Cole
> --
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